Oriana Platform Release 7.1

febr 28, 2023 | Blog Hu

We are pleased to announce the release of the Oriana low-code platform version This release includes the following changes: 

Main changes

SQL Server 2022 is officially supported 

The Unicode Upgrade Tool now requires .NET 6 runtime to run 

User Rights Manager (URM) 


The Oriana Platform’s User Rights Manager allows you to define which application components can be reached by which user through their configured permission. The authorization system that can be designed with our Platform is based on roles (RBAC), which group the permissions granted to application components. These permissions are fine-tunable by specifying conditions attached to user and data properties (ABAC). 


Among the elements that make up the application, access permissions can be set for menus, screens (submenus), tab controls, filters, buttons (functions), links, edit forms, input fields, list columns and data rows. Permissions for system elements for which there is no explicit permission setting will be set to the application’s default permission. The basic permission can be permissive or prohibitive and is defined at the time of deployment. 


Highlighted features 


URM is a separate service with its own user interface. One URM can serve multiple applications.

Role management: add, remove roles, change their properties such as validity period or activated state.

Assigning groups, users, departments to different roles, company-specific, with a validity period, activated status setting.

Application component permissions per role: for the parts that build the application, it is possible to specify that a user in each role has edit, read, or deny rights.

Rule-based permissions: component permissions can be linked to runtime-evaluated conditions. These rules apply to the user and data attributes.

Full logging of permission settings: any changes applied to a setting are saved. In addition, in the History Log user interface, the privileges of users for a given date can be retrieved.

Portable permissions settings between Platform applications: through the Studio application block export-import tool, the permissions applied to the components are portable between Platform applications.

Condition field editor: Fields used in rules for permissions can be defined in Studio Consultant.

Technical requirements 


The User Rights Manager tool requires the .NET 6.0 runtime (preferably the hosting bundle) library, RabbitMQ, so they need to be installed in the runtime environment. 


Obsolete/ Discontinued functionality 


The Platform and its components do not support the SQL Server 2012 and 2014. The application cannot be installed or upgraded on these SQL Server versions. Use SQL 2016 or higher. 

Changes Summary 

Epics and features

Epic 5585: User Rights Management

Feature 13435: Upgrade „UnicodeUpgrade” project to .NET 6

Feature 17734: Support SQL Server 2022

Feature 17735: Discontinue the support of SQL Server 2012, 2014 versions.




Engine, UI

Bug 14654: The session parameter [##Session.AssignedCompanyIDs@table##] does not work in each case

Bug 15410: Session.DefaultBusinessUnitID not working after login

Bug 11768: ForeignFieldDefinition vs DECIMAL – Platform gives ” as the default value for decimal fields in the foregin table

Bug 11665: Button on a DisplayDefinition with Question stops working after the message box has been closed with the Esc key

Bug 13103: Email scheduler editor loads for minutes then fails with ref.exception

Bug 13398: Int value overflow causes JS error #2

Bug 11977: Calendar View Ref. Error

Bug 12563: #101374 – Email template editor issue

Bug 12718: Component/Tab/Visible[@type=Constant] not working

Bug 7817: Display error message when there are multiple ControlPanel/Control with the same name

Bug 9503: Panel content issue after renavigate to the given screen

Bug 10519: Inconsistent behavior on form in number fields when Constant ComputedValue results to zero

Bug 7431: The second screen of the multi-panel screen does not load in the mobile view

Bug 11184: Email Scheduler: Can select user without email address

Bug 10945: Admin/Application Setup / DocBasePath validation error

Support Request 12562: #101374 – Email template editor issue

Support Request 17510: #101447 – Setup/Company/Address – New City does not appears on the Cities screen in certain cases

Support Request 17511: #101446 – Email template editor – Created and CreatedByID not filled



Bug 13480: LHS User import does check for empty values in mandatory columns

Bug 9574: Cannot access LHS log file because it is being used by another process



Bug 11884: Workflow creating an issue with existing technical names

Bug 12127: ST Workflows: Make the Embedding mode field read-only

Bug 9108: Code mirror – Generated Hint JS issue: tag name can be used in multiple places that are overriding each other

Application block export/import tool:

Bug 12042: Application block export: missing warning message in case of manually added items

Bug 12047: Application block export: ref error when try to export too many screens at once

Bug 9756: Disable the Block export button until loading is completed


Changes in Oriana Data Model (ODM) 


Dropped columns

1. odm_ExchangeRate


– Values have been migrated to the new CurrencyExchangeRate table and connected through the new CurrencyExchangeRateID column.


– Values have been migrated to the new CurrencyExchangeRate table and connected through the new CurrencyExchangeRateID column.

2. odm_Invoice


– Values have been migrated to the new InvoiceTypeID column.

3. odm_PaymentMethodType


4. odm_SourcingEvent



Added columns


1. odm_Address


2. odm_Contract

ContractOwnerID: With a foreign key to odm_Person.PersonID.




 3. odm_ExchangeRate


– Values have been migrated to the new CurrencyExchangeRate table from the dropped CurrencyFrom, CurrencyTo columns.

– With a foreign key to odm_CurrencyExchangeRate.CurrencyExchangeRateID.

4. odm_Invoice


– Values have been migrated from the dropped InvoiceTypeEnumID column.

– With a foreign key to odm_InvoiceType.InvoiceTypeEnumID.








– With a foreign key to odm_SourcingEventResultType.SourcingEventResultTypeID.

8. odm_SourcingEventLine



Dropped tables

odm_InvoiceTypeEnum – Values have been migrated to the new odm_InvoiceType table.


The model has been extended by some brand-new tables



















Notable known issues

User Rights Manager UI has some responsibility issues. Use it with full HD resolution. 

Upgrade instructions 


Use the upgrade instructions document. 

Remember to: 

update references in your custom .NET assemblies. Rebuilding these solutions is also recommended.

update your custom AngularJS components.

update your custom skins by merging manually the changes of the base system skin.

update the web.config by manually merging the changes based on the provided sample.


Documentation, handbooks 


New documentation available for the User Rights Manager. 

The updated ODM documentation will be available in the middle of March 2023. 

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Hogyan menedzselhetők egyszerűen a beszerzési folyamatok?

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